This review covers the EBM track Assemblage 23 – Outsider.
This track was released in 2012 on the album Bruise. The same album that contained the track Crosstalk which we reviewed last year.
One thing about this track is that it is definitely a rather sad track. This emotion is expressed mainly through the vocals where you get that feeling of isolation and social separation.
I thought the guitars in this track was well realized. They really helped magnify the raw emotion found in this track.
The synth effects were also nicely done. They really added a lit of atmospherics to the overall track. The way it was layered into the guitars sometimes was also a nicely done feature in this track.
The bass guitar also was nicely done. Sometimes, it slips into a particularly low note and you realize just how much it adds to the main track when it becomes barely audible. So, nicely done overall.
Overall, if you want a sad track and you want something that gives you the feeling of isolation, this track is definitely a track to listen to. A great track overall.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.