Top 10 Best Music Reviewed in 2014

We finish off with our top ten lists with the top ten best music tracks we’ve heard in 2014. So, let’s find out what made the list this year!

Some tracks make us wish we hadn’t heard them. Other tracks really blew us away with how great they are. This list celebrates the latter. Today, we reveal the top 10 best tracks we’ve listened to this year.


10. Sub Focus – X-Ray
Starting this list off strong, we have this excellent drum n bass track that really impressed me. It blends elements of rock with drum n bass to give you an absolutely thrilling track to listen to. An incredible track from beginning to end.

9. In-Panic – Bass Solidy
That last track is a difficult act to follow with a solid 9, but this track is certainly also able to deliver. This track proves that psytrance can be much more than build up, bassline, and bass drum. With an impressive melody and stunning effects, this track simply blows expectations away.

8. Mike Foyle – Pandora (Original Mix)
We’re barely into our top ten list and, already, the scores are as close to perfection as they can be. Now we have this track that takes the number 8 slot with very good reason. A mixture of an incredible and unique melody and emotional piano, this trance track just screams memorable.

7. Evil Activities – Nobody Said it was Easy
Also making a first appearance on this list is hardcore as it blasts its way into number 7. This track takes elements from a mediocre mainstream track and turns it into a stunning and surprising mixture of hardcore and soft rock. A unique combination to be sure, this track is definitely deserving of being on this list.

6. Martin Roth & Alex Bartlett – Off The World (MR’s Exclusive Intro Mix)
This track may have been the intro track to more than a few DJ live sets. This number 6 entry delivers an incredible amount of emotional stimulation. With every element seemingly with a special purpose to elevate this track, this track is an excellent one to listen to.

5. Catscan – My First Response
Hardcore makes one last appearance with this solid number 5 entry. This track blends hardcore with overall fun. It’s a creative take on hardcore mixed incredibly well. An awesome track to be sure.

4. DJ Eco – Light at the End (Lost World Remix)
This track is pretty much on the verge of perfection. This trance track is a strong and powerful one from beginning to end. It’s a track that screams high performance and is an incredible audio ride all the way through.

3. Kristoff – Push On (Progressive Trance)
We now make our way to the top 3 which apparently requires a perfect score just to be here. This mind blowing track truly delivers as a fast paced trance track that makes the hear on your head (if you have any of course) blow backwards in the face of pure awesomeness. An absolutely brilliant track.

2. CoLD SToRAGE vs. TDK – Albino 2 (The Red Eye Mix)
While the only free track we found this year that made the list, this track truly represents high quality. A dance track, this one is a remix of a chiptune. It takes a main melody and simply pushes the envelope to what dance can really deliver.

1. Dogzilla – Frozen (Original Mix)
It was incredibly difficult to figure out the order of a lot of these tracks. Still, only one track can take the number one slot. This ultimately the best track I’ve listened to and reviewed this year. With incredibly full and symbolic lyrics, incredible vocals, impressive rock elements, and stunningly good trance elements, this track is definitely the track of the year that delivers the most “wow”. It’s not hard to get goosebumps just listening to this track. A truly deserving winner.

Honorable Mentions

Maor Levi – Shapes (Oliver Smith Remix) (Commercial) This track was a truly excellent track that offers unique chopped vocals and stunning melodies. An excellent track to say the least.

Matrix+Futurebound – All Born Angels (ft. Mister Who) (Commercial) Drum n bass makes another appearance with this great strong entry. Mixing rap and rock into a drum n bass track certainly doesn’t strike me as an easy task, but this track handles all three with amazing results.

Gob – Give Up the Grudge (RIAA) The sole entry from an RIAA member, this rock track delivers class-based anger against pretension with great results. Definitely enjoyable.

Well, that’s it for this year. We hope you enjoyed these lists as much as we enjoyed making them. Here’s to another interesting year of entertainment!

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85

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