Review: Tommyknocker – Wild (Edit) (Gabber Hardcore)

This review covers the gabber hardcore track Tommyknocker – Wild (Edit).

This track was released in 2015 along with three other tracks.

One of the prominent elements of this track is the speech samples. Speech samples can have a lot of different impacts on a given track. Sometimes, they are so great, that the rest of the track can only add more or less window dressing to the overall listening experience. Sometimes, the speech sample can really punctuate an already amazing track. Other times, speech samples can just be dropped in and it makes the listening experience more confused as the overall mood of the rest of the track is completely different than what the speech sample is. Sometimes, speech samples could have been removed altogether. In this case, some of the speech samples are simply cliche’s. The other half of them offer some value, but it’s nothing more than something mildly interesting with a sense of mediocrity.

There is an overall melody, it only serves to push the track above average by a little. A part of me thought that something could have been used to really punctuate the meaning reflected in the title, but instead, some fairly standard synths were used (standard as far as gabber hardcore is concerned these days).

The rest of the track simply features standard hardcore sounds with small elements of creativity to break up the track into something with some interesting elements, but nothing really stands out in this track.

Ultimately, having heard Criminal, I had somewhat higher expectations when trying another track by Tommyknocker. Instead, I get a track that has large chunks of mediocrity and blandness with a main melody that keeps it above the passable level. It’s an OK track, but nothing special.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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