Announcement: The December 2020 Wiki Content Patch

The growth of the Freezenet official Wiki seems almost unstoppable now. We cover what all is new for the month of December in these patch notes.

This month, we go over everything that has been added to the Wiki for the last month of 2020. This month’s progress has been slowed largely thanks to all the craziness that is December. Not only is December particularly busy for us, but so is the fact that it’s December of 2020. Still, we did manage to get a fair bit done in spite of it all. We are closing in on the 2,000 page milestone for the Wiki. In fact, we are less than 20 pages left to making it there as of this writing. For a one person endeavor, getting the Wiki to that size in a single year is impressive.

This month, one of the big additions to the Wiki is the new show, Resonation. This show was launched after the show, Corsten’s Countdown ended with 700 episodes. As of this writing, the archive contains all 5 episodes of the show. So, already, the 9th show added to the Wiki is already complete as far as it can be. Resonation, like Corsten’s Countdown, is a trance show, though it does delve into house music as well. The only real difference is that the show dropped the user controlled chart aspect.

In addition to this, we were able to update the Random Movement Podcast archive as well as Fables.

As announced in the November Wiki patch notes, we are expanding the Drum N Bass offerings for the Wiki as well. This started with the V Recordings label. From there, we added information about Bryan Gee, V Records, and Liquid V. As teased in last month’s patch notes, we carried through and started archiving the V Recordings Podcast. So far, the archive contains the first 20 episodes as well as episode 101 (the newest episode). That means we have a mere 80 episodes left to archive (compared to archiving 700 episodes of a show, 80 is comparatively tiny).

We hope you enjoy this latest chunk of data added to the Wiki. We also look forward to adding more data in the future to make the Wiki even more useful than ever before. Enjoy the offerings!

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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