Review: Ash – Goldfinger (Rock)

This review covers the rock track Ash – Goldfinger.

This track was released in 1996 on the album 1977. We previously reviewed the track Lose Control and that track got a very solid score. So, we thought we’d try another track off of the album to see how good that sounds.

The track starts off with a drum kit and guitars. After a bit, the guitars slow down. The vocals then come in as the guitars continue on with the verse.

From there, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. After that, the track breaks down somewhat.

The vocals then take the track into the next verse. From there, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. At the end, a guitar comes in on a sliding note. A guitar solo then comes in with a phaser-like effect.

After that, the track breaks down and the vocals take the track into the next verse. The guitars build the track up again. From there, the vocals then take the track into the main chorus again. The vocals extend the main chorus a bit. After that, the guitars lead the track out.

One problem I have with this track is that there is virtually nothing dividing up the track in any way. The only exception is the guitar solo which ends up being a nice change. Beyond that, it is very difficult to tell whether you are in a verse or in a main chorus because even the guitars hardly change going from verse to chorus.

The vocals are decent enough. They do come off as a bit monotonous, but only somewhat. The guitars have a similar problem as they do end up being a bit repetitive after a while. They sound good in general, but I wanted to hear more variety outside of the occasional drop out.

Overall, this is an OK track. The transitions to leave a fair bit to be desired. As for the guitars, the instrumental section is decent, but for the rest of the track, there’s very little in the way of variances. So, an OK track, but nothing big.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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