Upgrade: Freezenet’s Official SoundCloud Gets a New Look

Freezenet has done it again. This time, we’ve improved the overall look of our official Soundcloud page.

We just can’t help ourselves. Once again, Freezenet is improving in another way. This affects our overall web presence. In this case, we gave our official SoundCloud page a nice snazzy new look. After having this account for well over a year, it certainly deserved a nice customized look.

You can check out our SoundCloud page here. Soundcloud is home to our most recent episodes of our official podcast, of course.

This latest upgrade is part of a pile of new updates we’ve been giving the site over the last while. Just yesterday, we announced a mini Wiki update where we showed off the completion of a third archived show. Before that, we posted our April Wiki Content patch which shows off, among other things, the completion of an archive of a second show. That was a nice follow-up to our YouTube facelift which is also a cool improvement as well.

This latest upgrade also happens to conclude the current planned round of overall website improvements. At this point, we’ll be assessing all of the assets the site possesses, identifying what ways it can be improved, and planning out priorities. After that, we’ll gradually roll out those improvements as we get through that list. One thing is for sure, we’re definitely excited to see where this site will take us next and can’t wait to continue rolling out newer and better features for you!

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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