Review: Triumph – Troublemaker (Rock)

This review covers the hard rock track Triumph – Troublemaker.

This track was released in 1993 on the album Edge of Excess. The track is also apparently part of the Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth soundtrack.

The track starts off with some lead guitars. A drum kit and vocals join the track. The vocals then lead the track into the first verse.

From there, the vocals lead the track into the first main chorus. Right after, the vocals lead the track into the next verse. The vocals then lead the track into another round of the main chorus. This section is capped off with a guitar solo.

After that, the vocals then lead the track into the next verse. The vocals then lead the track into the next round of the main chorus. This section is capped off with an instrumental section that leads the track out.

A positive about this track is the lead guitars. They work quite well to give this track energy.

Another positive is the vocals. They manage to nail that rock sound without being annoying which is always a plus in my view.

A pitfall with his track is the lack of any real transitions. With the exception of the guitar solo, this track just goes from one section to another. This almost makes this track seem like one large block of music glued together.

Overall, this is a track with strengths and weaknesses. The guitars and vocals are positives. Meanwhile, the transitions, or lack there of, is a weakness. I call this a decent track all around. If you are already a hardcore rock fan, this track is likely going to be satisfactory. Otherwise, it’s just a decent track to listen to before you move on.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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