Review: The Church – Metropolis (Rock)

This review covers the alternative rock track The Church – Metropolis.

This track was released in 1990 on the album Gold Afternoon Fix.

The track starts off with some guitar work. After a few kicks, the vocals come in. After this, the main chorus comes in. This is capped off with an instrumental section.

After that, the vocals carry the track into the next verse. It doesn’t take long before the track goes into the next main chorus. Additional vocals cap off the main chorus in this case.

An additional instrumental section comes in. This follows another round in the main chorus. The chorus is then topped off with an instrumental section which gradually fades out.

One thing I like about the track is the fact that it is a nice laid back track. It has a rather soothing mood throughout.

What I’m not as big of a fan of is the forced rhyming in the lyrics. It gives the track a sense of amateurness that gives it a bit of a cringe factor.

In the end, this is an alright track. It has a nice soothing mood throughout it. If you are looking for something that will allow you to relax, then you could do a whole lot worse than this track. The forced rhyming didn’t do this track any favours, unfortunately. Still, it’s a pretty decent track all around.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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