Review: Stone Temple Pilots – Plush (Rock)

This review covers the grunge rock track Stone Temple Pilots – Plush.

This track was released in 1993 as a single.

The track starts off with some guitars and a drum kit. Vocals then come in to start the tracks first verse.

From there, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. This is capped off with an instrumental section.

After that, the vocals take the track into the next verse. The vocals then take the track into the next round in the main chorus. This main chorus is extended thanks to the vocals. This section is capped off with another instrumental section that is basically a repeat of the last instrumental section.

After a false ending, the vocals take the track into the next verse. From there, the vocals take the track into another round of the main chorus. An additional guitar element is added to this. An instrumental section comes in again, but with the occasional sprinkling of vocals this time around. After that, the guitars then lead the track out.

My first impression of this track is that it leans towards being on the bland side of things. Part of the reason for this is because the instrumental sections are almost all identical. The only difference is in the last two where slight modifications are added. While the modifications are welcome, it would have been better if there was something a bit more substantially different from the others.

Additionally, the vocals are pretty average. Unfortunately, there is the caveat in that the vocals are a bit slurred which makes the lyrics a bit hard to understand from time to time.

So, overall, this is a fairly bland track. There’s not a whole lot that makes this track stand out from the crowd. The vocals are a bit slurred and the instrumental sections are almost copy pasted to break things up a bit with this track. As a result, it may be passable, but nothing much more beyond that.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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