Review: Robert Plant – Hurting Kind (I’ve Got My Eyes on You) (Rock)

This review covers the hard rock track Robert Plant – Hurting Kind (I’ve Got My Eyes on You).

This track was released in 1990 on the album Manic Nirvana.

The track starts off with a guitar effect. After that, the guitars come in along with a drum kit with an emphasis on the kick. The vocals then come in and the track picks up from there.

It doesn’t take long before the main chorus comes in. The main chorus ping-pongs between vocals and guitar.

From there, the ping-pong structure continues throughout the verse before the track goes into a much more emphasized main chorus. The main chorus the second time is more emphasized because of the inclusion of the backup vocals.

There is a brief verse before the main chorus repeats. After that, there is what sort of sounds like another verse, but the structure is much more loose. This takes up a large portion of the track before the track goes into the main chorus again. The lyrics repeat as the track then fades out.

I will admit one thing about this track: this track is making me quite divided. In fact, it’s the most divided I’ve been on a track in a very long time. On the one hand, I really like the guitar work. It makes the track sound quite great in my view. Even better is the fact that the main chorus sounds very well done because it is quite catchy. So, that alone makes the track a great listen.

On the other hand, the vocals during the verses don’t work in my view. For one, they wind up getting garbled at times. At other times, the main vocals resort to high pitched shouts that, to me, give me a very nails on chalkboard moment. Those elements can make any track seem terrible and not worth the listen. So, that’s the conundrum I have with this one. Is it great or is it bad?

Generally speaking, there are elements that make this track great. There are also elements that make this track bad. The great elements are the catchy main chorus and the guitar work. The bad elements are some of the vocals found in the verses. So, the only fair thing for me to do is take a score of both sides of the track, then find the average between the two. So, a very middle of the road track in the end.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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