Review: Lunatic Calm – Leave You Far Behind (Breakbeat)

This review covers the breakbeat track Lunatic Calm – Leave You Far Behind.

This track was released in 1999 as part of The Matrix: Music from the Motion Picture soundtrack. Earlier, we reviewed the track Rob D – Clubbed to Death (Kurayamino Mix) and found it to be a great track. So, we thought we’d try this track to see if it’s just as good.

The track starts with a bass guitar. Some synth is added before the vocals come in. A synth comes in before the drum kit largely takes over. The track largely drops out and the vocals briefly continue. This track ping-pongs a bit between vocals and drumkit for a bit.

From there, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. They are backed by the drum kit and synth. This section ends with some bassline and vocals.

An instrumental section follows before the vocals make a return. Towards the end, the track largely drops out, leaving just the vocals. Next up is another round in the main chorus with everything being present. Layers of vocals take over as other parts of the track drop out.

From there, the drum kit largely takes over with some fast distance filtering applied. The filter is dropped out before the synth largely takes over. Parts of the vocals return as the synth and vocals layer over top of each other. Some delay effects are thrown in to the vocals. The vocals then leads the track out.

One thing I do like about the track is that it has a nice high energy feel to the overall track. Mixed with the breakbeat drum kit, you can almost sense a certain kind of velocity as you listen to the track.

Another nice element is the synth melody thrown in. Not only is there some subtle note sliding, but also some really technical automation thrown in as well. It gives the track a nice sense of organized chaos.

My only issue with this track is that it emphasizes some of the higher frequencies a bit too much. While there is some nice bassy elements to it, the vocals have a certain amount of filtering in the higher frequencies that can make them a bit harder to understand.

Still, this is a very solid track to listen to. It has a nice amount of energy and the synths work quite well. The faster paced breakbeat style drum kit works with this track very well. While some of the higher frequencies can make the vocals a little bit harder to understand, it is still a worthwhile track to listen to.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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