This review covers the rock track Garbage – As Heaven is Wide.
This track was released in 1995 on a self-titled album. It also happens to be part of the Gran Turismo soundtrack.
One thing that stands out in this track is the vocals. They really give the overall sound a sort of twisted sound. It gives the track personality.
The lyrics are somewhat cryptic, though they do offer a sense of confrontation. It does work somewhat, though it takes a little bit of figuring out.
Another element that works quite well for this track is the mixture of rock and general electronic elements. While at the core, this is definitely a rock track, numerous electronic elements help make this an interesting listening experience. The bassline, for instance, is almost a hybrid between bass guitar and electronic synth. Some of the additional melodies are synth keys. Those elements also add a nice dimension to the overall track.
Overall, this was a great track to listen to. It’s not a track that blares out sound, but it is one that drips with twisted emotion just the same. It has great vocals, somewhat cryptic lyrics, and a great overlay of electronic elements to provide a great listening experience. This track gets a thumbs up from me.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.