Review: Everything But the Girl – Wrong (Todd Terry Remix) (House)

This review covers the house track Everything But the Girl – Wrong (Todd Terry Remix).

This track was released in 1996 as a single.

The track starts with a high hat, then elements of a drum kit. The rest of the drum kit then come in with a piano and a synth. After that, the vocals come in for a verse. A synth string comes in along with a pad part way through.

From there, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. The vocals are joined by some backup vocals part of the time.

The vocals then take the track into another verse with no transition. After that, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. Piano joins the chorus part way through. The track then goes into a partial instrumental section. After a bit, the track transitions into a full instrumental section.

From there, the vocals take the track into another verse as the track almost drops completely. The drum kit then returns along with the synth string and pad. After that, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. Piano joins the track part way through. The vocals start to pull back as the track gradually slides into an instrumental section.

After that, the drum kit takes over. Everything but the high hat and rim shot is left for a moment. The main drum kit comes back and the track switches back and forth between both sounds a couple times before going back to full drum kit. After a bit, the rim shot and high hat returns for a moment before the full drum kit returns again. From there, parts of the drum kit gradually break down. The full drum kit then comes back in full. There is another breakdown in the drum kit before the track then suddenly ends.

For me, I am a bit puzzled by the ending. There are a number of breakdowns, yet the track builds back up again. If this is an effort to make the track “DJ friendly”, then why isn’t there any of this in the beginning of the track? So, I am a bit mystified by the ending.

Still, the vocals sound pretty good. They give the track an interesting piano. The piano that backs a lot of the track is also pretty good. It gives the track some variety. Meanwhile, the synths and string do a pretty good job at giving the track a smoother sound.

Overall, this is a decent enough track. The vocals are pretty good and the backing piano is also workable. The strings and synth pads also smooth the track out. No idea what is going on with the ending, however. So, a decent enough track – especially if you are going for something that is a bit more laid back.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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