This review covers the hard rock track Black Label Society – No More Tears.
This track was released in 1999 on the album Sonic Brew. While this album was released in 1998, this track only appeared in the 1999 versions of the album.
The track starts with guitars. A drum kit then joins the track. This continues for a bit. The main vocals then makes an appearance, though a bit in the background.
From there, the vocals along with backup vocals takes up a bigger presence. What follows is the vocals going with a main chorus. A subtle 303 synth effect as well as a subtle wah effect in the guitars is also present.
After that, the vocals going into the next verse briefly. What follows is the vocals taking the track back into the main chorus. After that, the guitars hit some long notes as the track breaks down.
A lighter guitar follows with a few high hats. The lead guitars returns and a guitar solo makes an appearance. The drum kit fully returns. An additional guitar solo continues the track on. A guitar bridges this section with another instrumental section.
From there, the lighter vocals returns for another verse. The vocals take a bigger presence again with backups joining in. After that, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. An instrumental section follows briefly with vocals making non-lyrical appearances after. A guitar then leads the track out.
One thing this track has going for it is the fact that it has a very heavy presence. It really lives up to the name of a hard rock track.
A downside is the mastering where the vocals end up getting lost in the guitars. In fact, save for the name of the track, I honestly couldn’t understand any of the lyrics. It was just a string of garble otherwise.
There is a quasi-false ending part way through. while I’m sure it’s possible to make a good track with a false ending, in this case, it made the track feel like it’s being dragged out.
Overall, while this track does a good job at giving that hard rock presence, there’s actually not a lot else going for it. The vocals get lost in the mastering and mixing and the false ending makes the track sound like it’s really being dragged out. As such, it winds up being a barely passable track.
Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.