Review: Ash – Orpheus (Rock)

This review covers the rock track Ash – Orpheus.

This track was released in 2004 on the album Meltdown. It also made an appearance on the Playstation 2 game Burnout 3: Takedown.

The track starts with guitars and a drum kit. Non-lyrical vocals make an appearance before some lead guitars make an appearance. After an instrumental period, the vocals come in for a verse.

Shortly after, the main chorus hits. Backing the vocals are more full lead guitars. In addition, there are some backup vocals here.

From there, the vocals take the track into the next verse as the lead guitars drop back a bit. Shortly after, the vocals take the track back into the main chorus with the lead guitars becoming more full again. This is capped off with an instrumental section that resembles the intro section.

The vocals then come in again. After that, another instrumental section comes in. The vocals then return for another verse that differs from the verse. A choir element appears here as well. From there, the vocals take the track back into the next round in the main chorus. An instrumental section comes in with non-lyrical vocals. The drum kit and lead guitar lead the track out.

For me, a standout feature in the track is the main chorus. The track really comes together nicely here and makes for one great listening experience.

Meanwhile, the verses are pretty decent, but not necessarily anything to get overly excited over. They add some much needed variety and break the track up nicely. Unfortunately, I find that the main chorus does tend to overshadow the verses which is a bit unfortunate.

Overall, though, I’d say this is a very solid track. That main chorus works very well. It works so well, though, it actually overshadows the verses a bit. Still, I find it to be a track well worth listening to.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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