First Impression: Battlefield Hardline (Playstation 4)

This is the 132nd instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing The Battlefield Hardline for the first time.

Welcome to the 132nd instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing the Playstation 4 game, Battlefield Hardline for the first time. You can check out the video directly on YouTube or in the embed below:

When I went into this game, I figured it would be yet another military style FPS game. Yet, once I started playing, I realized that this was definitely not what I’m used to playing. After all, instead of playing the role of a soldier, you are playing the role as a police officer. The roles and scenery weren’t the only changes I ended up getting to see as well. I ended up making multiple references to the Far Cry series while playing as well. If you played Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4, I think you can see why I made those references while playing this.

Also worth noting is that this is the second take I did of this game. The first take was almost all cinematics. I’m doing these video’s to get an idea of how these games play, not to show the cut scenes. So, this is actually roughly minute 10 to minute 20 here and not specifically the first 10 minutes of the actual game.

Anyway, what did you think of this game? Was this an interesting twist to the series or did you find this game to have too many jarring differences to your standard Battlefield game?

For those who haven’t played this game, but others in the series, what did you think of what you saw? Are you surprised by how different this game plays compared to some of the earlier entries? Was this change refreshing for the series or were you less than impressed by this?

Also, for those who haven’t played this franchise at all, what did you think of what you saw? Does this look like an interesting game to play or does this look like something that doesn’t fit with your style of FPS games? Let us know in the comments below!

This video is part of our first impression video series. Below is a list of 50 of the previously made first impression video’s we’ve made in the past:

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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