First Impression: Battlefield 3 (Playstation 3)

This is the 106th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing Battlefield 3 for the first time.

Welcome to the 106th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing the Playstation 3 game, Battlefield 3 for the first time. You can check out the video directly on YouTube or in the embed below:

With the pair of Bad Company games behind us, we are naturally moving on to Battlefield 3. I wasn’t entirely sure exactly how different this one was going to play, but I figured that there was only one way to find out. That is to do what I always do: install the update, fire up the capture process, and record my interactions. So far, it definitely has similarities to the previous two games I played, but long term, I don’t know if the differences will be more pronounced – at least as of the writing of this description.

For those who have played this game, what did you think of it? Was it a great entry to the franchise or did you find this to be a less than memorable one?

For those who haven’t played this game, but have played other games in the series, what did you think of what you saw? Does this look like an interesting game to play or do you think other instalments are more you style of game?

As for people who haven’t played this franchise at all, what did you think of what you saw? Does this look like something you might be interested in playing or does this look like just another one of those dime a dozen FPS war games? Let us know in the comments below!

This video is part of our first impression video series. Below is a list of 50 of the previously made first impression video’s we’ve made in the past:

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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