Review: Wolfgun – As Stars Fall (Drum N Bass)

This review covers the liquid drum n bass track Wolfgun – As Stars Fall.

This track was released in 2015 on the album Road to Jupiter. The track is also available for free streaming.

The track starts with a couple of synths. The vocals then come in quickly as the drum kit gradually fades in with filtering gradually being pulled back. After that, the drum kit and synths take over. This is accompanied by a synth melody.

From there, the vocals rejoin the track with a verse. The synths largely drop back in the process. This is capped off with an instrumental section with a synth melody. With some bassline taking over for a moment, the vocals then take the track into another verse.

After a quick arp synth, the vocals take the track into the main chorus. This is capped off with an instrumental section with a synth melody. The track then drops with only a single synth gradually fading out.

Then, the vocals return with the drum kit joining in for a verse. The other synths rejoin the track part way through. This ends with the last word of the verse having a long delay effect. Other synths rejoin the track. The track then drops again with a synth chord filling the void.

Right after, the vocals return for an additional verse. After a quick drum kit solo, the vocals return for another round in the main chorus. This is capped off with some synths with a small amount of a fast distance effect applied to them. Those synths drop out and some effects take over, likely leading into the next track.

One thing that stands out to me is the synths used. Not just the melodies, but also the use of the arpeggio synths as well. They really give this track a celestial sound. It works really well.

Of course, this leads to the vocals which work quite well. The lyrics are very full and the overall sound works very well.

In addition, both those positives combine to get a very well realized theme throughout. Everything seems to work with each other so well.

Overall, this is a great track. It’s got great vocals, great synths, and everything just comes together very nicely to form a very well realized theme throughout. So, a great track that I definitely recommend.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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