Review: The All-American Rejects – Swing Swing (Rock)

This review covers the rock track The All-American Rejects – Swing Swing.

This track was released in 2002 on a self-titled album.

The track starts with an organ. This gradually fades in. A guitar then joins the track with short notes. The drum kit and rest of the guitars join in. The organ drops out at the same time.

Those lead guitars drop out and the vocals take the track into the first verse. A piano then joins the track part way through.

The vocals then take the track into the main chorus. Those lead guitars rejoin the track.

Right after, the vocals take the track into the next verse. Some of those guitars drop out. During the bridge, the piano once again returns. The piano drops out towards the end.

From there, the vocals take the track into the main chorus again. The lead guitars also join in again. This section is capped off with a guitar solo.

The vocals make a return and most of the track drops out. That organ makes a brief a return. Shortly after, the track goes back into the main chorus again. The main chorus repeats as the master volume gradually fades the whole track out.

One thing I do like about the track is the guitars. They give the track a nice full sound. The addition of the organ and the second piano works quite well too. They give the track a nice variety in overall sound.

As for the vocals, they are actually pretty good. The lyrics are also pretty good as well.

Overall, this is a solid track. It’s got a nice overall sound. The use of both an organ and keys helps give the track a variety in sound. Additionally, the vocals sound pretty good. So, an overall solid track that gets a thumbs up from me.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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