Review: Staind – Just Go (Rock)

This review covers the alternative metal track Staind – Just Go.

This track was released in 1999 on the album Dysfunction.

The track starts with a guitar. A high hat makes a subtle appearance before the drumkit and lead guitars join the track. After that, the lead guitars drop out, leaving just the original guitar and drumkit.

From there, the vocals take the track into the first verse. After that, the lead guitars join the track. The vocals then take the track into the main chorus. This is capped off with an instrumental section.

From there, the vocals return for another verse. This is backed by the first guitar and a drumkit. After that, the lead guitars and the vocals take the track into the main chorus again. The lead guitars drop out and an additional guitar joins the track. The vocals keep going.

After that, the lead guitars rejoin the track as the vocals take the track into another verse. After a brief pause from the vocals, the track goes back into the main chorus. The main chorus is extended. A screaming section caps off the section. After a bit, the track breaks down with everything just fading out in the process.

For me, this is one of those tracks that really doesn’t have any one thing to get overly excited over. It just provide an interesting mood, but as a result, it winds up being almost background music in a way.

The guitars are well done. They give the track an interesting flow throughout. Also, the vocals are decent enough.

Unfortunately, this is a track where nothing really grabs my attention. While it does provide some interesting atmospherics, it doesn’t do a whole lot more then that. The guitars give this track an interesting flow and the vocals are decent enough. I’m just looking for something a little more to get excited and this track just didn’t provide that.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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