Review: Dave Matthews Band – Crash Into Me (Rock)

This review covers the soft rock track Dave Matthews Band – Crash Into Me.

This track was released in 1996 on the album Crash.

The track starts with some high hats and guitars. A brass element comes in. The vocals then come in for the first verse. The track then drops as some chimes come in.

From there, the verse continues as the guitars build the track up somewhat. After a brief main chorus, the track breaks down with more chimes and a violin. An instrumental section then comes in for a bit.

After that, the vocals then return for another verse. The main chorus makes its brief appearance before the chimes come in again.

The vocals then take the track into the next verse. A brass element make some brief subtle appearances. An extended main chorus then comes in as the guitars and drum kit increases in attack. The vocals continue to extend the main chorus. After that, the track then just fades out.

For me, the first thing I noticed is the fact that the vocals do mumble the lyrics a fair bit. Some of the lyrics are comprehensible while others are not. So, parts of the lyrics do get lost, though some meaning is salvageable. It’s obvious that this is basically a love song which hits the more fantasy side of things than anything else.

What I do appreciate in this track is the various bits of subtleties. They don’t last long, but are noticeable. The brass and violin both make appearances and they do add a bit of depth to the track. It is small, but it is effective.

Overall, this is a decent track with its strengths and weaknesses. The weaknesses include lyrics that are mumbled. The strengths are the various subtleties in the use of violin and brass. So, a decent track all around.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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