Review: Belly – Feed the Tree (Rock)

This review covers the alternative rock track Belly – Feed the Tree.

This track was released in 1993 on the album Star.

The track starts off with a drum kit and lead guitars. From there, the vocals take the track into the first verse.

From there, the vocals take the track into a shortened version of the main chorus.

After that, the vocals take the track into the next verse. From there, the vocals take the track into the next main chorus. After that, there is an instrumental section.

After that, the vocals then more or less repeats the first verse again. After that, the vocals then take the track into the next main chorus. After that, there is an instrumental section again. The guitars simply lead the track out.

One problem about this track is that the lyrics tend to lean towards being cryptic. As a result, the lyrics are probably best understood by someone with a very rural background. I had to actually look up the meaning of the track because of it. My take away was that this is a track about respect and dying. Considering the almost upbeat nature of the track, this one winds up being a bit creepy in my books.

The guitars sound decent enough. They aren’t exactly amazing by any means, but they do sound decent enough. The vocals also sound fairly decent.

An additional problem with this track is that the lyrics wind up being a bit on the skimpy side in my view. It repeats sections of verses on top of a main chorus as well.

Overall, this is a track with strengths and weaknesses. The weaknesses include skimpy and cryptic lyrics. The strengths include decent vocals and guitars that aren’t bad. So, overall, a decent track, but nothing too amazing.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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