New Feature: Greatest Tracks of All Time

Freezenet announces a brand new feature on the site: the greatest tracks of all time.

We are on a roll here at Freezenet. Today, we announce a brand new feature: the greatest tracks of all time.

This feature is certainly largely predictable, really. For quite a while now, we’ve had the list of the greatest video games of all time, so really, it is about time we gave the music reviews section the same treatment.

We did wait quite a while to compile this list. In fact, we waited until we wrote our 1,000th music review to compile the list. We wanted to be sure we had at least a reasonable understanding of music before we even attempted it. Now that we have so many music reviews under our belt, it seems appropriate to begin maintaining such a list.

One theme we took away from this is that a lot of the best music is independently produced. In total, only 5 tracks that were produced by an RIAA member even made the list.

Of course, there is the inevitable comment of “why isn’t X track on that list? It’s the best track ever!” One thing to keep in mind is the fact that this list is based on our much more broad music reviews section. Although we did, in fact, review 1,000 tracks, there really is a massive ocean of music out there. Because of this, there is always that strong possibility that we have yet to review the track in question. If, however, it is in there, well, sorry, but we may have to disagree. This is, after all, opinion.

Like the video games variation, this list tracks the top 10% tracks we’ve reviewed on the site. So, as our database grows, so will that list. We will continue to compile the list until it reaches 1,000 tracks. After that, if a track is to make it on that list, it has to knock another track off.

We hope you enjoy this feature as much as we enjoy making it. So, enjoy!

Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Google+.

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