First Impression: Burnout Paradise (PC/Steam)

This is the 188th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing Burnout Paradise for the first time.

Welcome to the 188th instalment of our first impression video series. Today, we are playing the Steam game, Burnout Paradise for the first time. You can check out the video directly on YouTube or in the embed below:

One of the franchises I’ve enjoyed playing over the years is, of course, Burnout. Whether it was the original Burnout by Acclaim, Burnout 3: Takedown, or others like Revenge and Dominator, pretty much all of the games were at least enjoyable (handheld versions aside). However, one game has remained elusive in the quest to play every major instalment of this franchise. That, of course, was Burnout Paradise (Crash is a mobile spinoff game). While I wasn’t able to feature any of the Burnout games on this channel up to this point, I am happy to at least capture this game as one is better than nothing.

While playing, I quickly realized that I wasn’t used to PC controls for racing games. It took a bit of getting used to, but I think by the end of the video, I was getting a reasonable feel for those controls. One thing that is going to take a bit more getting used to is the fact that this game is an open world game. Previous instalments were, of course, fixed courses. So, I’m going to be interested to see what impact making such a fundamental change would have on the formula.

Otherwise, a lot about this game does have familiar elements. This includes the Burnout boost system that requires stunts, the different style racing, and more. Overall, my first impression was positive and I’m looking forward to getting into this game a bit more.

What are your thoughts on this game? For those who have played this game before, did you enjoy this game? Was it, at least, a fun game to play through or did you think it changed too much in your mind to be a good game?

For those who have played other games in the franchise, but not this one, what did you think of what you saw here? Does this look like a game that you might be interested in playing or do you think you’d rather stick to the older games?

Also, for those who have never played any of the Burnout games, does this look like an interesting and fun game or does the complexities make it feel a bit offputting? Let us know in the comments below!

This video is part of our first impression video series. Below is a list of 50 of the previously made first impression video’s we’ve made in the past:

Drew Wilson on Mastodon, Twitter and Facebook.

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