Review: King’s X – Dogman (Rock)

This review covers the hard rock track King’s X – Dogman.

This track was released in 1994 on the album Dogman.

This track starts with a drum kit, lead guitars, and vocals. The vocals start the first verse. There are also backup vocals.

From there, the vocals take the track into the first round of the main chorus. This is quite short, though. After that, the vocals take the track into the next verse. After that, the vocals take the track into the next round of the main chorus. The vocals extend the main chorus as there are some elements of an instrumental section.

After that, the backup vocals then take the track into the next verse. The main chorus then continues the track into the rest of the verse. After that, the vocals take the track into the next round of the main chorus. After a brief instrumental section, the track ends.

The track does feature some great guitar work. It’s actually a shame that there isn’t a whole lot in terms of instrumental sections to let these elements shine through. There isn’t a guitar solo or any real instrumental section that allows for full enjoyment of this.

Meanwhile, the vocals are alright. I wouldn’t say they are amazing, but they aren’t bad either.

A pitfall of this track is that the lyrics are a bit on the weak side. I can appreciate some forms of repetition of the verses, but there can be too much of this. In this case, I would say they are a bit too repetitive and make the track seem a bit too uniform.

Overall, this is an alright track. The guitar work is great, but aren’t showcased as well as they could have been. The vocals are alright, but the lyrics are a bit weak. I think the overall sound is decent enough, but it isn’t without its weaknesses. A decent one all around.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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