Review: Karyn White – Romantic (Pop)

This review covers the pop track Karyn White – Romantic.

This track was released in 1991 as a single.

The track starts with a brief drum solo before the vocals come in. There’s an orchestral hit and a bassline that comes in shortly after.

The main vocals then come in to take the track into the first verse. From there, the track goes into the main chorus with the addition of the backup vocals heard in the beginning of the track.

After this, this, the track then goes straight into the next verse. The vocals then take the track straight into the next round in the main chorus.

The track then goes into a borderline instrumental, yet not really instrumental section. This features some subtle scratching and even a few chopped vocals. After this, the track features the backup vocals. This ping-pongs back and forth with the main vocals. From there, the track starts playing through the main chorus as the track fades out.

From a general perspective, there is nothing inherently wrong with the overall sound. It features some good elements including some pretty good vocals.

My problem, however, is that there is a bit of a mismatch between the mood and the themes. The themes in the lyrics are generally soft, gentle, and slow. Meanwhile, the overall sound is upbeat and more of a party atmosphere. Romance, traditionally, is a one on one relationship with another person. Parties, on the other hand, feature multiple people in public having a great time. This is largely the reason why I call this a mismatch in themes. Yes, both are positive experiences, but they are different experiences in my view.

Overall, this is not a bad track. It has a good upbeat sound to it all. It is unfortunate that there is a mismatch in themes that take away from this tracks quality. A decent one, though.


Drew Wilson on Twitter: @icecube85 and Facebook.

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